Thursday, June 25, 2009


I bored a first class flight with one, one hour stop in detroit.
Then to Virginia where I will be living the easy life on the beach.
Am I excited, not at this moment where i have a room full of crap,
Loads of CRAP left to do.
SWEET sleeping nephews and nieces and sister and momsies who i wont get to see again for a year.
AND to top it off the ONE person i REALLY hoped to get one more chance to hangout with tonight, some reason fell through. UGH
Thank you for that.
BUT as that is... it's time to move on and start a new life on the beach.

Keep it real rad kids. I will keep you posted.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Trust is a word I haven't been very fond of in my life.
I find reasons to escape embracing this word.
For some situations it may have been a good judgment on my part.
Yet, I wonder, in those other cases, what I have missed out on.

Maybe I have missed the potential of what God could do in my life.
Or possibly loosing a chance to have a truly great friendship.

I can't understand why this seems to be SO hard for me.
What is my reason for this isolation from people.
Maybe I would not be so deeply hurt by things in life, if i learned to trust.

I'm going to work on that. Yes, that is what my goal is.

To trust I am not drowning in this world so called life.